Friday, September 6, 2013


Ok so I have a little secret. 

I am obsessed with stamps. Rubber stamps. 
I love them. I think about them on a daily basis. I dream about having a boat-size full of them. 

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved them. I search the web for them almost everyday and if I had endless amounts of money, I would have that boat-size full of them. 
I told my husband this little secret of mine the other day and he just laughed. And now every time I mention the word stamps, he laughs and rolls his eyes. 

Lately I have been drooling over these, these, and these stamps over at Etsy. I probably check these shops out almost everyday to see what new stamps they have and which ones I would order first. Then I add them to my cart and think about the excuses I could come up with to tell my husband about why I bought so many stamps. 

I have actually thought about going back to work just so I can buy as many stamps as my heart desires. But there is one little thing I am more obsessed with than stamps and that is my little love bug. 

So until I eventually make it back to work or hit it big with the lottery, I guess I will continue to daydream about my future stamp collection and hopefully convince my husband to buy me this for my birthday. I found it on a blog I follow and almost jumped through the roof I was so excited!

So what's your obsession??

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